MA presentation Abegg-Stiftung

MA presentation Abegg-Stiftung

5.7.2024, 14:30, Riggisberg

Francesca Maria Fracassi, student of the Master’s program in conservation-restoration at Abegg-Stiftung, will present her Master thesis with the title:

Die Fahne des Gesangvereins «L’Union» aus Saint-Imier:
Untersuchung und Klebekonservierung einer Fahne des 19. Jahrhunderts


European Day of Restoration

European Day of Restoration


In 2018, the European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers Organisations (E.C.C.O.) launched the European Day of Conservation-Restoration for the first time.

Conservator-Restorers invite visitors to their working places: in museums ateliers, private studios, university studios and conservation-restoration sites in monuments. Conservator-Restorers will explain their actual conservation-restoration projects with case studies to the public. 

In Switzerland, the day is organised by the Swiss Conservation-Restoration Campus and the SKR Swiss Association of Conservation-Restoration.

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